Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cub Scout Program - Bangladesh Scouts

Membership Badge
Time:- 3 months
a)  Knowing Cub Promise and Laws
b) Performing Cub Salute
c) Knowing Cub Motto
d) Religion: believe in God in own Religion. Knowing the basic of Religion.
e) Knowing how to tie scarf with Overhand Knot.
f) Knowing how to tie shoe-lace with Square-bo Knot.
g) Knowing how to make cub circle.
h) Knowing Grand-Yell
i) Recognizing Bangladeshi Money.
j) Knowing about family and family members.
k) Decorating own room.
l) Recognizing time watching watch.
m) Knowing the rules of walking in road(traffic rules)
n) attending at-least 4 pack meetings.

Star Badge
Time:- 6-9 month
a) Singing National Anthem.
b) Drawing National Flag.
c) Religion: practice from the curriculum of Standard 3.
d) Rope Work: Reef Knot, Clove Hitch.

To Be Continued...........

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Cub Scouts Promise, Laws and Motto in Bangladesh

   I am Azim. I am an assistant cub scout leader. Today I am going to wright about cub scouts promise, laws and motto.Cub scouts promise and laws are a bit different then scouts and rover scouts.

Cub Scouts Promise

   I promise that, I will try to do my best
to do my duty to God and my Country
to help some one everyday
to obey the cub scouts laws.

Cub Scouts Laws

* Obey the elders.
* Do nothing on your own.

Cub Scouts Motto

* Try your best.

More Updates on scouting are coming  soon